boutique firm serving colorado for more than 20 years

We hope this update finds you safe and healthy. We have been conducting numerous depositions via Zoom Videoconferencing during this quarantine. They have been going great and have been a very useful alternative to being in person. Now that some of the restrictions have been lifted and you might be considering scheduling your depositions in person, we wanted to let you know of our precautions we can provide you at your depositions.
We have purchased Plexiglass partitions that we have in our conference rooms or we can bring to your depositions for your conference rooms. They stand up on the conference room table, as you can see in the photographs attached. There is space available on the bottom to pass documents back and forth, if necessary. These partitions are just another layer of protection for everybody involved when trying to stay safe but still conducting the discovery that is necessary for your case.
Please contact us if you have any questions. And if you are scheduling your in-person deposition and want us to provide the Plexiglass partitions, please call us ahead of time to make sure they will be available.
Thanks so much, and we look forward to seeing everyone again in person sometime soon!